Pepperton Poll Dorset Stud principals Roger and Dianne Trewick developed their stud in 1994 from their previous Dorset Horn Stud Wharoonah established by Roger’s father in 1943.
They have used the Lambplan recording system extensively through their flock since that time concentrating on growth, muscling and moderate fat levels and to assist with sourcing sires with the desired characteristics. In 1999 they began their artificial insemination program for the stud.
In 2004 the Trewicks established their White Suffolk Stud with ewes from their Poll Dorset Stud.
A wide range of quality sires have been used in both studs development from that time resulting in very strong lines of sheep in the areas of growth, fat and muscle with moderate birth weights.
Pepperton continues to adopt best practice with their ram breeding enterprise this year broadening their DNA testing to 300 of the 2017 drop Poll Dorset lambs (250 rams and 50 ewes). These animals were blood carded to test for Lamb Eating Quality (LEQ), Lean Meat Yield (LMY) and IntraMuscular Fat (IMF) whilst also verifying Pedigree.
All sires used were tested so Research Breeding Values are available to interested breeders.
Many of these animals are trait leaders for LEQ, LMY, Carcase Plus, Post Weaning Weight, Fat and Muscle, Lamb 2020 and also Birth Weight.
With the Trewicks embracing the technology of Genomics in their breeding decisions this has allowed them to take the guesswork out of breeding.
While Lambplan figures play a large role in the stud, physical conformation is also important to the Trewicks enabling them to produce animals with outstanding figures and phenotype to reproduce lambs with desirable traits.
Roger and Dianne continue with birth weight, wean weight and post weaning weight and scanning for all progeny maintaining Gold Data results on Lambplan.
This year’s Autumn lambing ewes produced 150% lambs weaned and the spring lambers have scanned over 160%
Flock Average Index on the March 2018 Genetic Trend Graphs show as 210 for 446 Poll Dorset animals and 200 for 208 White Suffolk animals.
Pepperton is also proud to be a member of Meat Elite Australia – an Australia wide group of progressive breeders.
Pepperton have been breeding and producing top quality White Suffolk sheep since 2004 in answer to demand from producers.